Thursday, 17 April 2008

Wednesday 16th April - 7.5 miles

Another evening walk with some of the usual suspects; me, Will, Rich, Nicki, Chris F. and Adrian.

Crooksbury Hill and Bourne Woods and back to Farnham again via Old Man Lane and Old Church Lane, a nice long steady climb to finish off.

Highlight this week was the steady disintegration of Adrian's kit, starting with his boot laces which wouldn't stay tied ending in the total and catastrophic failure of his most important piece of kit... his underwear!

Halfway round, Adrian called a halt, ostensibly to re-tie his laces yet again, but while we were chatting amongst ourselves he whipped off his boxers and carried on commando style claiming "excessive chaffing..." OUCH....

Just over two hours start to finish (walk cut short by a couple of miles as Adrian really wanted to get back to see The Apprentice...).

There's a general agreement that Farnham and it's immediate surroundings is losing it's impact in terms of training. Those coming out regularly feel that they can manage 10 miles or more quite comfortably and the hills around Bourne Woods and Crooksbury, although good, are too short to give us the long slog climbs that we need to get used to.

Next week's evening walk is planned to be at Hindhead.... watch this space!

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