Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Sunday, 13 July 2008
End of the live posts
Many thanks to Steve for bringing the "mobile device" up after I left it behind and to my gorgeous wife for having the idea of sending it with him.
Finally, the eagle-eyed of you will have spotted some discrepancies in the timings. The ones in "Done it!" are correct!
Done it!
For the record, here are Team One's timings;
- Ben Nevis 4h18 (peak in 2h40)
- Scafell Pike 3h19 (peak in 1h45)
- Snowdon 3h29 (peak in 1h48)
- total including driving 23h08
The good news is that Team Two were all together, Nick included, on the way up Snowdon.
We'll be back in Farnham this afternoon, well ready for normal food, a shower and some sleep. And to think about the next challenge?
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Just one left!
Good run on Scafell, and we were very pleased to be able to do it all in daylight. We were up and down in 3h20 and very pleased to shovel in loads of chilli con carne at the bottom. Now we're all on the bus on our way to Snowdon (we think) for the final part of our challenge. It looks like we're doing a satnav special route and so we occasionally have to stop for sheep in the road...
Quite a few of us are now suffering a bit with injuries, which Nicki is treating fantastically. We will have to take it easy on Snowdon but should all make it.
Team Two were on their way up as we came down, looking in good spirits. Nick fell on the way down Ben Nevis and was really struggling the rest of the way down, so he missed out Scafell Pike. Hopefully he'll be ok for Snowdon.
Navigation permitting, of course!
One down, two to go!!
The weather was ok at the bottom but wet and absolutely freezing in the cloud at the top so we were all extremely glad of our warm kit.
We almost took much longer as we missed the first turning and set off resolutely towards Fort William. We only lost five minutes to that, thankfully, and didn't suffer any more navigational issues after that.
We've now got a six-hour stretch in the minibus - or maybe a bit less as the speed regulator seems to not be working!
Thoughts from the team:
- big thrill getting to the top;
- we need to learn some of the verses to the Proclaimers' "500 Miles";
- "ouch" - or something a little stronger - from most of us.
The next mountain, Scafell Pike, is much shorter but reputedly very hard; I think we'll all feel much better once that's done.
Ready to start!
We've had a good breakfast and are all aboard our minibuses heading to the bottom of Ben Nevis. The weather looks good for walking, overcast but dry. Almost got lost on the way tio the start!
Butterflies for all - it's time to go!
Friday, 11 July 2008
The night before...
Highlight of the night so far is the trip to the pub - walked to the pub, looked at the pub, walked back without setting foot inside. I think that shows commitment to the cause!
We're off to sleep now, when the jokes and sheep noises eventually stop. Big day tomorrow!
Time to go....
Will left last night on the train and the rest of us are following either from Southampton or Heathrow today.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the team over the last six months.
See you all after the weekend!
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
There's SNOW on them thar hills.....
Tuesday, 8 July 2008
Live blog updates
Monday, 7 July 2008
All ready to go at last !!
Thursday, 3 July 2008
"Punishment in the Park" - last session
Are we all ready for tonights training session in Farnham park? It's the last one, yippee! No more running up and down hills carrying medicine balls, or doing unbelievably painful things like 'burpees' and 'squat thrusts'....
I'm glad it's the last one - the insects bites on my legs are enough to warrent asking for some blood back the next time I donate (which won't be until after 3p...).
Anyhow, just thought I'd share this - yesterday my company had a 20th anniversary river cruise on the Thames. I wore my 3peaks T-shirt and passed round a sponsor form and collected pledges for an amazing 320 pounds! That kind of generousity from work colleagues is really something - a big thank-you to them from me. Reckon the Jazz band and Pimms must have helped ...
See you tonight,
Monday, 30 June 2008

Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Will, Chris F, Kevin and I took a day off work for an extra training trip to the Brecon Beacons yesterday.
A good night's sleep and avoiding a 'fish & chip supper', ice-cream & beer the night before together with missing a large fry-up for breakfast seemed to have helped! I got to the top of Pen-Y-Fan and didn't feel like jumping straight off. We then went over to Crum Du, down to Storey Arms (not a pub - fancy writing a name like that on an OS map and it not being a pub must write to my MP), back up a long steep path to Crum Du, over to Pen-Y-Fan again, down and up to Cribyn where my back started to twinge and the blisters I got at the top of Pen-Y-Fan started burning (even with Will's super-blister-pad things on) and I decided to call it quits for the day - I still had to climb down Cribyn and back up Pen-Y-Fan and down to the car and Nicki's precautionary words about my back started to kick in! Chris, Will and Kevin went onto Big-Y-Fan and back the same route, arriving back at the car only half and hour after me.
Anyway, feel much better today than the last trip to Brecon. Training session with Mike on Thursday and then off to Brecon again on Sunday for possibly the last big session before the event....
Monday, 23 June 2008
Seven days may be a long time in Politics but it's even longer to stay off the beer it seems....
We had friends over at the weekend so the chances of not drinking on Saturday were always going to be remote and I failed miserably! Late Friday night I succumbed (well, it was almost Saturday and I was going to have a drink then anyway.....).
The mini 3 peaks event on Sunday ended with a picnic at Farnham Park with lots of school parents and friends so, having had a drink Saturday, well I might as well have one or two at the picnic (followed by a stop-over at the pub on the way home with Andy & Rich....)
Anyway - back on the wagon and on to Wales tomorrow. Early to bed, early to rise might help this time.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
I've taken the drastic step of deciding to stop drinking between now and the 'event'... only one month - I should be able to do it.
It's in the vague attempt to help me go that extra mile (or ten feet more likely....)
I've got a BMF trip to the Beacons on 29th June - apparently it's the hardest one they do of the pre-event training sessions - great, absolutely great. Didn't know that when I booked it.
Chris F has organised an extra trip to Wales on 24th June which I've also signed up for - probably really unwisely! Chris reckons five days should be enough to recover, afterall we'll only have five hours between hills on the day! Arrgghhhh.........
Since last Tuesday we've been doing some extra training with one of the BMF instructors - an hours workout in Farnham Park; squat-thrusts, running, carrying heavy eights, more running, press-ups, team races, more running, more squats, burpees, and more running.....
Third session was last night and although I was fairly hopeless at keeping up with everyone else I don't feel too bad today... After last Thursday's session it took me four days to regain the use of my arms!
After my trip to Butser it turns out it wasn't my hamstring but my sciatic nerve - trapped or something. Anyway, after some pushing and pulling of my back by Nicki the worst seems over and I've been back training.
Unfortunately, not everyone's been so lucky!
Adrian has had to pull out due to a knee injury, Nigel broke two toes falling down the stairs (but in Nigel's true spirit is simply going to strap them up and get on with it...) and Andy's knee has flaired up after a run, quite badly too by the sounds of things. Will's done something to his foot but seems to be back in training - he's out tomorrow night for a session with Mike to find out how he's feeling.
Less than a month to go and it seems that stepping up the pace of training is starting to take it's toll...
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Two days later on the Friday I thought I'd better get to grips with training and so took the morning off work to go back to Queen Elizabeth Park and Butser Hill.... ouch - running back down Butser Hill pulled my left hamstring and I've been hobbling ever since! Oh well, I reckon it should be better by Tuesday night (the first of the real BMF traininng sessions at Farnham Park.....)
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Two weeks on holiday without any training (one 3 mile along the beach doesn't really...) was telling last night.
Nicki, Rich, Kevin and I went to Butser again - short 4.5 miles half walk / half run. Up the steep side of the the hill in Queen Elizabeth Park (Petersfield), run down, back up again, run down. Then over the road to Butser Hill, to the top, run down, back half way up and then a run back down to the bottom.....
By all accounts from last Sunday's latest Brecon Beacons trip the going was extremely tough and the pace faster than we've all seen so far - and appareently the 29th June trip is set to be even harder!
5 weeks to go......... arrggghhhhh!
Monday, 2 June 2008
Shawn Taylor has reluctantly bowed out but his space has been quickly filled by Kevin Davids - welcome aboard Kevin!
Not long to go now - the first of the BMF Brecon Beacons weekends took place yesterday and the reports coming back are quite worrying! Everyone seems to have found it really hard going, even thouse who went on the earlier Brecon Beacons trip and have been really trainig hard!
Right - time to step up a gear (if you excuse the pun...!)
Wednesday, 14 May 2008

On to Butser Hill tonight...
Monday, 12 May 2008
Somewhere in Wales!!
This walk was a sudden wake-up call and the first 20 mins just about bought home the fact the this 3 peaks thing is going to be bloody hard!
Bring on July.................
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Thursday, 24 April 2008
As noted last week, we've decided that it's time to move further afield on the evening walks to get some longer and better hill walkng practice in. This week we thought we'd try The Devil's Punchbowl at Hindhead.
Meeting at 8:15pm we completed a circular walk starting out south, wending our way round to the top of Gibbett Hill (the highest point around at 272m), north parallel to the A3, across the A3 and continuing north around around the back of the 'Keeper's Cottage' and back down to the car park.
We finished around 10:40pm for 7.5 miles in all.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Another evening walk with some of the usual suspects; me, Will, Rich, Nicki, Chris F. and Adrian.
Crooksbury Hill and Bourne Woods and back to Farnham again via Old Man Lane and Old Church Lane, a nice long steady climb to finish off.
Highlight this week was the steady disintegration of Adrian's kit, starting with his boot laces which wouldn't stay tied ending in the total and catastrophic failure of his most important piece of kit... his underwear!
Halfway round, Adrian called a halt, ostensibly to re-tie his laces yet again, but while we were chatting amongst ourselves he whipped off his boxers and carried on commando style claiming "excessive chaffing..." OUCH....
Just over two hours start to finish (walk cut short by a couple of miles as Adrian really wanted to get back to see The Apprentice...).
There's a general agreement that Farnham and it's immediate surroundings is losing it's impact in terms of training. Those coming out regularly feel that they can manage 10 miles or more quite comfortably and the hills around Bourne Woods and Crooksbury, although good, are too short to give us the long slog climbs that we need to get used to.
Next week's evening walk is planned to be at Hindhead.... watch this space!
Monday, 14 April 2008

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Changes to Team Members
On both occasions people eager to rise to the challenge have stepped forward; Chris Feibusch and Chris Kirk respectively. It never ceases to amaze me how many people from such a small school want to get involved with this escapade!
We started as a Squad of 23 and we still are a Squad of 23, from just 90 families with children at the school - 1 in 4 is a remarkable representation.
There's now a little over three months until we begin the climb of Ben Nevis in the early hours of a Saturday morning, with another two mountains to "look forward" to before the next sunrise. We'll all certainly be thinking about Des and Rob then! The question is: will they be thinking about us?!
Thursday, 27 March 2008

Despite the rain there was a good turnout- me, Andy T, Chris F, Steve B, Matt M, Paul J, Will D and Rich H.
Will worked out a route merging two previous routes - Bourne Woods and Crooksbury Hill - and true to form something 'interesting' was discovered en route (well, I call these things interesting but I'm not sure if anyone else thinks so!). Most people in Farnham know that the Bourne Woods and Alice Holt Woods are often used by film crews (Gladiator, Harry Potter to name a few) but not many people actually get to wander aimlessly across the middle of a film set...!
Walking through Bourne Woods we came across a series of generators (still humming away), lights, trailers and an artificial road.... ten minutes later headlights were seen some distance away in the woods quickly followed by the light from two very bright torches pointing directly at us. It seems we'd walked straight through an area of the woods where Sir Anthony Hopkins was filming his latest film, Wolfman and the security gaurds on duty were wondering what eight people were doing in the middle of the woods in the dark.
The rain soon eased off and by the time we'd gone about half an hour the evening was drying up. Total time was just 2 1/2 hours for the 9 miles and as most people peeled off it was left to me and Andy to take up the opportunity of last orders (or two) at The Mullberry... well someone had to!
Monday, 24 March 2008
Solitude on Easter Monday
Once I work out how to generate the snazzy Google Earth pictures that Leigh has been doing, I'll post a route.
If there is something these walks are demonstrating, it's how much walking-specific fitness I need to develop. I still have a long way to go before I'm going to take proper hills in my stride.
Hope to see some of you Wednesday evening. And that my first-time blog entry looks reasonable...
Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Finally back on my feet after last week's misery of Man-Flu. Almost two weeks of training lost so I'm feeling very sluggish and the fact that no-one except Chris & me could get out tonight was going to keep me from goig somwehere!
Met at 8pm as ususal and hung around until ten past to make sure no-one had had a last minute change of mind. Nope, just Chris and me it was then!
As Chris didn't do the very first walk back on 20th February, this time trying not to get lost on the way! No map tonight so playing it by ear which actually seemed to work this time altough there were lots of times I thought "hmmm, not sure this is right at all....". I'll try and retrace where we went and add a map later.
Only thing of note this evening where the strange glowing lights in the middle of a field some 200 yards away which kept changing shape and moving around, hovering close to the ground.....
Having decided it was probably a reflective nose band or something on a horse we took the brave decision not to investigate further but to move on, picking up the pace....
Finished in a record 1hr 25 mins, some 25 minutes quicker than the first time! Training seems to be working then!
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Just go to www.justgiving.com/standrewssch/supportus to make a general donation to Project 2010 but if you wanted to sponsor someone individually you will be able to find their details on the just giving website, for example;
Thanks everyone!
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Saturday 15th March, 10 mile walk - Are we there yet?

Monday, 10 March 2008
The howling winds and storms of the last 24 hours have put a dampner on everyone's enthusiam to go wandering through the woods tonight...
Everyone except Steve Bishop. Having been unable to make the last few walks due to work commitments Steve was all up for tonight but no-else could be persuaded out (me included, in fact I was one of the first to drop out!)
Still, weather looks set to improve for Saturday morning at Hindhead and I think we should have a good turn-out. I'm even going to take my new walking poles with me to give them a try-out.
Must be finished before 3pm though as need to get back and settle down in front of TV in pub for the Six Nations final day..... Simon Hall and Paul Jameson can't make it as they've got tickets to Twickenham (I've told them I'll go in their place if they insist but no joy....
Thursday, 6 March 2008

Those who made it; me, Rich, Chris, Shawn and Will.
The next walk is on Monday so perhaps we can get a better turn out then!
Tonight's total distance was a little over 6.25 miles completed in 2 hours dead. The yomp up to the top of Crooksbury Hill (thanks to Shawn for the alternative route to the top via Smugglers Way avoiding the death-trap that is Crooksbury Road....).
It seems that we always come across something interesting... At the southern end of Greensand Way is a very large cave complete with wrought-iron decorative gates (nearly 5 metres high) and bats! Suitably spooky given it was pitch black and in the middle of a wood...
Monday, 3 March 2008
3rd March: New Blogger - Is this thing on....?
Yesterday, 2nd March, was my first run for 2 weeks and I was feeling lardy so it had to be done
My current route is almost 6 miles and takes in the hills of Firgrove Hill, from The Fox pub to the Bourne crossroads, along/up Burnt Hill Road (short climbs, fairly steep) and Wrecclesham Hill (long and tedious gradual ascent). My previous run had been my best time so far, 54 minutes; reason to celebrate. More reason to celebrate that day; whilst chugging along Burnt Hill Road I passed a horse and rider, a genuine first for me overtaking a horse. OK they were hardly galloping but it was still a horse.
Yesterday morning my gasping for air must have scared off all wildlife in the area as I plodded around in 56 minutes. It made me realise, yet again, the effects of slipping out of the exercise habit - but I'm sure it won't be the last time. Less excuse this week as Michele being Down Under means I'm a house-husband, so the plan is to do some form of training each day while Millie is at school - what hope of that happening?!
Now that the ground is getting firmer again I'll return to running up and around Farnham Park. I did that last year and the paths offer a combination of tarmac, gravel and grass, there's a variety of slopes, and on a clear day the views are spectacular!
Am still without walking boots, the guy at Breaking Free has ordered some wider fitting boots for me to try so hopefully I'll have them in time for Adrian's Punch Bowl 10-miler.
Signing off
Friday, 29 February 2008

27th February 2008 - 19 weeks to go + 5.7m = 29.7 miles
The new boots seem to stand up to the pace, 5.7m in about 1 ½ hours, with only a bit of rubbing around the ankles. Shawn’s limping by the end of the walk - I think his new boots are causing him a little bit of trouble.
Sunday, 24 February 2008

Time to go out again. Early morning walk this time. I’ve suggested an evening walk route from the train station to the top of Crooksbury Hill and back, it’s about 6 miles but it occurs to me that having suggested this I should really check how do-able it is….
Get up and out by 8 o’clock to try to avoid taking the whole day! It’s a lovely morning, not too cold for February and go out in t-shirt and fleece. I only meet five other people while out but get to Crooksbury Hill in 45 minutes. 5 minutes to climb and am rewarded with great views over the surrounding countryside. There’s a pillar at the top with a brass plate that shows distances to local and far landmarks (Farnham Castle, Windsor Castle, St Paul’s Cathedral - you know the sort of thing….) but the orientation of it throws me out completely - Farnham Castle seems to be the wrong direction but I suspect that they’re probably right and I’m just disorientated. Five minute rest and then a walk back. Overall, it takes me 1 hr 50 minutes to complete from door-to-door so it seems to be a good length for an evening walk. My only concern is the Crooksbury Road section which is pretty hairy as there is no pavement or verge and the cars tend to fly down it. Hopefully it won’t be too busy at night and having all the torches will be a good thing!
In the afternoon we go down to Gunwharf Quay in Portsmouth and I buy my new boots, over trousers, back-pack, jacket and whistle from Tog 24.….
Wednesday, 20 February 2008

I’ve bought a great book “40 Walks around Farnham of 4-6miles” - just what we need to organise walks.
The inaugural walk in the Evening Walks programme.
A clear crisp night and a full moon too make it a great night to walk (torches at the ready though).
Those who made it: Me, Nicki Yelland, Michele Taylor, Dave Hyland, Nick Conway and Kate Jones.
We start at Castle Street, go up Old Park Lane, Middle Park Lane (double back after realising we went round in circles), over the ridge and down to Crondall Lane where we crossed over and climbed to the top of a filed to be rewarded with views right over the top of Farnham. From there we walked down Waynflete Road and back to the town. Total walk 5.5 miles and it took us from 20:15 to 22:05. Not a bad start! By the time we walked to town and back clocked up 6 miles. Oh yeah, and we find a Production Script for filming for the following day for the TV programme “The Peep Show” - strange things found # 01.…
Monday, 18 February 2008
Sunday, 10 February 2008
+ 3 = 12 miles
I’ve bought a laminated OS Map of Farnham and around. Start walking training - go for an hour’s quick walk from our house, along Lynch Road, down Moor Park Road and up the other side, onto the North Downs Way to Runfold Woods and back, about 3 miles. I bump into Rob Owen at the top of Moor Park Road - he’s bought his boots and is trying to break them in. I leave him in Runfold Woods with directions to Crooksbury Hill and have to turn around as we’re going over to Jane’s Mum’s this morning and need to get back.
Friday, 8 February 2008
Meeting at The Lamb, 8pm.
Andy quietly drop into the meeting that the 24hrs stops at the bottom of Snowdon and not the top as we’d all thought, effectively taking 3 hours off the clock. Oh joy. I think most people have missed this. Never mind, apparently it’s better to concentrate on doing it in “a weekend” or “back-to-back” - you can’t control delays from traffic jams or anything anyway.
We agree to set up a series of weekly evening walks for everyone / anyone to come along on (about 2 hours each) and for monthly long walks starting early Saturday mornings and ending at a pub after about 8-10 miles.
Saturday, 2 February 2008
Thursday, 17 January 2008
16th January 2008
About 10 people turn up to hear Andy talk about the walk - nearly everyone agrees to sign up by the end of the night. After four pints of Staropramen 26 miles, 10000ft and 24hours don’t seem that scary…. I’m in and agree to drop a £100 deposit off to Andy before the end of the week.